Maximum Exposure Photography is privately owned by a husband and wife team…we have traveled the same path in life, hand in hand, together for many years, finding a love that began in our High School days, and that will last eternally…we have carried the same visions and goals …and it is within those dreams of our heart that Maximum Exposure has come to be. Somewhere in the midst of the art of photography, we become lost, and embark upon a world of celebration! We find simplicity in life is the grandest of life’s gifts that Jesus gives…and if we only but each stop to look at what we have in each day, we begin to see the simplicity…the "magic" of life…the joy, the wonder…and that is what we strive to capture and share with you! Timeless, priceless moments…
Looking back in years, we realize that Lorilee’s love for photography began when she was but a young child. Her father was a Professional Photographer, and as his little girl, she adored every step her father took…she followed him in his hobbies and interests of photography throughout her entire childhood, as well as assisted him when he opened his studio. And so grew that same love in Mark…for only a short time around Lorilee’s father, he too, saw the life that the art of photography brought to those who but look…a place that lies no where else but within. Our desire together was to soak in all that life would have to give…to see all the beauty that lies before us, that so easily goes unnoticed, and untouched in such a busy world. Yet our time with Lorilee’s father as young adults came to be too short, as we lost him not long after he opened his photography business…yet the flame of desire he put in our hearts for the beauty and art of what our eyes behold, has never, and shall never fade with time! For what the heart knows, it shall never loose! With heartfelt gratitude we dedicate our success to the Lord, and Norman Sterling Werlhof, adored father and photographer.
Our strongest hopes and desires are to assist you to see with your eyes and hearts, the beautiful simplicity of life…to capture the joys of the moment through our photography…that you will hold in your possession everlasting impressions that enable you to reflect back throughout your entire life on some of the happiest moments of your time, to remember always…
Where time shall fade not…
May you find the enthusiasm that moves us…photography is that passion, and may you allow us to
"Capture Your Memories Where Time Never Fades"…